Audio Fan Vault via AudioBoom


If you’ve been a regular member to the Champagne Comedy forum, there has always been a friendly share of radio interviews of the D-Gen / Working Dog crew over the years. We’d get hot tips from various social media or someone transferring the odd cassette tape. This random collection build would be from short interviews on radio to full-blown co-hosting or collecting podcasts from now-defunct shows and dead links. The collection would usually start on this site, and spread over to other sites owned by fans (PureHumbug, RampantStupidity, MartinMolloy, et al).

We originally were storing our archive on free file distribution sites or areas which didn’t have much storage for our ever-expanding collection. Thanks to the great people at AudioBoom, we’ve moved our collection there. You can listen to the playlists of each team member via the audio pages here, or checking the AUDIO section menu list near the CC banner at the top of the site.

If you have iTunes, you can subscribe to the audio feed here. When more audio is uploaded, this feed will automatically update and download if you have those settings activated.

If you have any interviews in your personal collection, shoot us an e-mail champagnelateshow at gmail dot com or tweet us at @TLSChampagne

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