Late Show Caps

Steve has found a great deal on embroidered Late Show Caps. We’d love to buy the originals but they don’t make them any more. Steve’s NOT making a profit on them and they’ll cost you $16.50 plus $5 postage, anywhere in Australia.

Steve’s new Late Show Page

Forum regular Steve has a new Late Show page, with what is arguably the most comprehensive episode guide to The Late Show ever. With hundreds of stills, a complete episode guide, quotable quotes and in-depth guides to your favourite skits, it’s highly recommended. A labour of love. Whether you’re new to The Late Show or an old-timer wanting to mull over those good old times, just check it out. You won’t be disappointed. What’s more, the main site also hosts a run down of Australian colonial drama (Rush, aka ‘The Olden Days’). Check it out.


Tony’s new book

Tony Martin of Late Show fame has a new book coming out. Called Lolly Scramble, it’s available for purchase on 1 October.

The blurb on the Pan MacMillan website reads:

Comedian Tony Martin has strip-mined his often unremarkable life to tell sixteen small tales fraught with laughter and detail. Choosing to ignore his many dubious achievements in the world of Australian show business (Martin/Molloy, The Late Show, a short-lived but torrid affair with Sharon on Kath & Kim), New Zealand-born Martin instead recalls dozens of tiny life-changing moments that, frankly, could have happened to anybody.

In a damning personal testimony spanning nearly forty years on both sides of the Tasman, Martin wreaks havoc as an apprentice props man in amateur theatre, attempts to corrupt his school’s ‘weird religious kid’, tries vainly to seduce an unwilling babysitter, turns an entire tour bus against him, battles an addiction to Donkey Kong, seeks to master the art of ‘kerning’ under the tutelage of a tyrannical Geordie, and is forced to donate an unfeasible amount of blood in an attempt to save his own life.

Lolly Scramble is a light but flavoursome assortment from a man who appears to have learnt very little from his many mistakes. Tuck right in, but don’t eat them all at once or you’ll spoil your dinner.

Thanks, rdmcphee for the info!

Late Show marathons

Hey, who’s having a Late Show marathon?

If you end up having a party at home, or just watch them marathon-style by yourself like a sad git, we want to hear all your stories, and see all your pictures! Email them to kimgilmour (at) or link to them on the forum.

September 9, 2005

Late Show Wikipedia Entry

Link of the day: There’s a Wikipedia entry on The Late Show, and of course, as it’s a Wiki, you can go in and edit or add to it!

For example, I’ve gone in and added this excellent site to the end of their entry.

Job Warehouse

The end of an era! Job Warehouse, as featured on The Late Show, is going outta business.


Thanks to RD McPhee for the pic! (Click to see a larger version.)

And here’s the floral clock… .as referred to in Mick and Tony’s Madonna Sex book routine.

My life as a teenage late show addict

Good news! I’ve finally managed to convert my old analog video from 1993 to a digital format—the one where me, Kinuyo (and occasionally Anne) go around the athletics field during a school carnival, asking people a) what they think of the carnival and b) whether they watch The Late Show. It gets more interesting about 2 minutes in, and if you don’t have a broadband connection, you might be spending a while downloading it onto your computer. Thanks to the Canopus ADVC-55 analog to DV converter (the only affordable one I could find for Macs), iMovie and the woman on eBay who sold me the old Video8 camcorder for £50.


Remember… this is 1993, soo the fashion is really bad. There are some gems! I’m the one in the white baseball cap aged 16! I am now 28 but apparently I still look the same.

Late Show TV Week Ad

In 1993, The Late Show’s return was advertised in TV Week. For twelve years I had this ad on my door, yellowing with age and torn at the edges. The wonders of digital technology (and, again, I have Ben to thank for this) mean that the ad is now ‘remastered’ and looks just as it did in the old days.


Molvanie! The Dutch version

Whilst in Amsterdam last weekend I stumbled across Working Dog’s Molvania, ‘a land untouched by modern dentistry’, translated in Dutch! Which is: ‘Molvanie: Een land gevrijwaard van moderne tandheelkunde.’ Ironically, some of my relatives who live in Holland are dentists, so they might be interested in rejuvenating Molvanie.


Early reviews of The Late Show – 1992

Remember on The Late Show Champagne Edition DVD Tony mentions just how crap the early reviews of TLS really were? Take a trip down memory lane with this link to some early news stories.