The Late Show and Frontline DVD Re-Releases review

Just in time for Christmas, the good folk at ABC Entertains Me have compiled classic favourites of The Late Show and Bargearse & The Olden Days, as well as all three seasons Frontline into neat little box sets.

Let’s take a look at box set number one – The Champagne Edition Box Set.

Arriving in a sleek cardboard sleeve – consisting of The Best Bits of The Late Show Volumes 1, 2 and 3, the original two disc DVD set was released in 2001 – over fifteen years ago! After they disappeared from shelves, they became a collectors item and rare as hens teeth to find a DVD set that wasn’t completely worn out, nor used as a coaster.

All six hours and three volumes are here, with all the sketches we know, love, and legally allowed to see. The physical DVD design itself has had a new coat of paint – stepping away from the ‘champagne’ look to the more colourful look of the stylized font and black usage. All easter eggs are still intact.

Flip over the middle disc, and the ABC have inserted the 2007 DVD release of Bargearse and The Olden Days. They even fixed the “Presents” part as the original DVD print was missing “The Late Show” title in the design. Relive the flatulence of Det Sgt Bargearse, on a mission to get his shitload of dim-sims and fighting crime, while Gov Frontbottom demands to be taken seriously while Sgt Olden keeps stealing his limelight in The Olden Days. All easter eggs still feature on the DVD.

The downside to this spiffy box set is that the original physical booklet guide is no longer included. However, there are instructions to download the PDF in high quality resolution from their site:

Now, onto the second DVD box set, and we see Journalist and TV personality Mike Moore delivering the truth in the Working Dog production current affairs spoof Frontline.

Arriving in a cardboard sleeve, hugging a durable plastic DVD casing – in this polished box set, all three seasons (6 DVD) are together in the one casing. Not separate season casings – all in the one case.

Re-live Frontline host Mike Moore tackle the big issues of local affairs, such as being a celebrity, making a coffee, attending charity tournaments, and trying to win over the affection of fellow reporters Martin Di Stasio, Brooke Vandenberg and fellow staff members.

With a run time of 1035 minutes total, you’ll have a binge session and realise nothing has changed in the real world since Frontline was on our screens in 1994. Don’t expect any extras though with this set, as it’s a well-known style that Working Dog don’t add any behind-the-scenes as they tend to have moved on to newer projects to focus their energy on.

So the big question: Why should I buy these?

If you already own the original prints, then these new release box sets are great to get to replenish any of your old, worn and damaged DVDs. Believe me, I’ve given mine a big work out. Plus, when these DVDs were originally released, DVDs weren’t 100% the norm. Now they are. Also, it’ll be great to show a new generation what the world was like in the early 1990s. These sets are a fantastic time capsule of what was happening, the taste, tone and humour which you can get for a dime a dozen on YouTube and podcasts.

Plus, if you never originally owned these shows on DVD, now you can!

Do yourself a favour – don’t buy from these guys though…

Both boxsets are presented in glorious 4:3 – which was the style at the time – and available now from ABC Store online (Frontline | The Late Show / Olden Days / Bargearse) and any good retailers. Check pricing where applicable.

D-Generation and Working Dog collection on iTunes

It seems that more and more of the D-Generation / Working Dog back catalogue appears to pop up in the itunes / Google Play department.

So if you don’t already own a copy on VHS / DVD / Blu-Ray / Laser Disc / 8 Track, you might as well get a digital version to complete the collection. So get your gift and credit cards ready – just in time for christmas.

Note: some of these links may be affiliate.

The Best Bits Of The Late Show Volume 1iTunes


The Best Bits Of The Late Show Volume 2 – iTunes


The Best Bits Of The Late Show Volume 3iTunes


The Best & Second Best Of The D-Generation iTunes


Bargearse and The Olden Days iTunes | Google Play


Funky Squad – iTunes | Google Play (There are two episodes listed, but links appeared to not work)400x400bb

A River Somewhere Season OneiTunes


A River Somewhere Season TwoiTunes


That should get you started!

Trailer: Pacific Heat

Netflix has released a full trailer of Working Dog’s animated adventure. Pacific Heat.


In this animated satire, a covert squad of operatives short on smarts but long on confidence tackles crime on the glitzy Gold Coast of Australia.

The show will be shown in Australia on Foxtel’s Comedy Channel from November 27, then December 2 on Netflix for the rest of the world.


Russell Coight and HYBPA return for 2017


Australia’s most lovable accident prone adventurer is returning to the picture wireless.

Announced at Channel 10’s 2017 Upfronts, Russell Coight’s All Aussie Adventures is returning to our screens after a 13 year trek away. This is a great thing as All Aussie Adventures has been floating around in the replay universe, recently re-screening on ONE.

Also announced, Have You Been Paying Attention? has been renewed for another season in 2017.

Time to hit the road… again! Until then, you can purchase Series 1 and 2 on DVD, as well as the celebrity challenge special.


All Aussie Adventures Series 1TV
All Aussie Adventures Series 2TV

Johnny Swank Before Pacific Heat

On the weekend Working Dog released a video of their new animated series Pacific Heat, soon to be shown on Foxtel’s Comedy Channel on Sunday November 27.

Already, fans have responded saying that it echoes another animated US spy show Archer (with a hint of Working Dog’s previous work – 1995’s Funky Squad).

While we do agree here that it resembles the US show that was launched in 2009, we originally thought the idea of Pacific Heat sounded like it was loosely based from the 1996 radio serial Johnny Swank.

What is Johnny Swank?

The comedy serial was broadcasted on the Today Radio Network in 1996 by Working Dog, and usually played during the breakfast shows on 2DAY, FOX, B105 etc. Listeners would follow the adventures of the too-cool-for-school Johnny Swank (voiced by Rob Sitch) and his bumbling sidekick K2 (voiced by Santo Cilauro), with various characters voiced by Tom GleisnerJane Kennedy and friends.

There would be a story arc for one whole week starting on the Monday and wrapping up on the Friday, with each episode running average 2 – 3 minutes in length. Think a piss-take of Mel Brooks’ Get Smart but on radio.

Here’s a week’s worth of episodes to show you that the premise was around for a while.

Funnily enough, Funky Squad started out as a radio serial too, before hitting the TV screens.

Either way, we’re looking forward to Pacific Heat!

Pacific Heat to Netflix: UPDATED


If you’re wondering what has been happening with the next big thing to come out of the offices of Working Dog, there has been more shining light.

As mentioned in 2014, Foxtel has commissioned a new 13 episode animated series Pacific Heat which was slated to broadcast on Foxtel late 2015. Unfortunately there were delays and was bumped to 2016. Now Netflix have jumped on the opportunity and will be streaming the show from December 2 to the U.S., Canada, U.K., and Ireland, according to Yahoo and Variety.

When is it being broadcasted in Australia? At the moment, we can’t find any official word, other than Foxtel still have it as TBC.foxtelWe’ll keep you informed if any news comes through.

UPDATE: Pacific Heat starts on Foxtel Sunday November 27 on The Comedy Channel – TV Tonight reports.

Strewth. Corker. Vale Max Walker

2016 hasn’t been a great year for the celebrity world where many musicians and actors have unfortunately left this mortal coil.

Sadly, Aussie cricketer, commentator and larrakin Max Walker has passed away at the age of 68.

The D-Generation team are fans of the cricket – with Max being a talk topic with Graham and The Colonel, as well as Santo Cilauro mentioning that ‘Wogs’ would never read his books in his song “Things Wogs Would Never Do” from Season 1 of The Late Show.

But the clincher was in Season 2, where Tony Martin would employ Mick Molloy to have a musician to close each episode with a song. Molloy was given the task to have Cyndi Lauper perform “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”, but misheard and got Max Walker to perform instead.


Rest well, Tangles.

Bargearse and The Olden Days Go Digital


We must’ve been dreamin’ of donuts as this one snuck by us earlier in the year… so we’re going to tell you now.

You owned it on VHS – you owned it on DVD – you even owned it illegally from a YouTube rip.

Now you can own it legally on digital download.

For a measly $9 – $10 (depending on what platform), you can own all 1 hour and 24 minutes of Bargearse and The Olden Days – now available on iTunes and Google Play.

Re-live pole-punching, dutch ovens, people constantly going out-of-focus and ATMs appearing to be out of order, from your streaming device. – iTunes – Google Play


Best enjoyed with a shitload of dim sims and a Pissiona.

Santo Sam and Ed Return

Ed, Sam and Santo

Ed, Sam and Santo

Great news for Snato fans and to all the sports nuts out there.

Santo Cilauro, Sam Pang and Ed Kavalee are getting their podcast on again for the Santo Sam and Ed’s Total Football Podcast – under the wings of ABC Radio.

Each week, Santo, Sam and Ed bring you their take on all the big foorball news from around the globe. What we lack in stats and facts we more than make up for in half baked ideas and dodgy puns.

All the major global domestic leagues covered, even Serie A.

Subscribe now and await Monday September 5 for all the goodies within.

Graham and The Colonel and The Games

If you’re not following this site on Twitter yet (@TLSChampagne) we post a lot more there than on this site. Just like this little gem that Twitter user Meerkatlookout sent through.

A comparison shot with Games commentator Scott McGrory sounding awfully like Graham & The Colonel’s Graham!

Nailed it!