Tony Martin Talks Capril on 3RRR


Regular visitors of this site would know of Tony Martin and author Tony Wilson occasionally pairing up on 3RRR as The Two Tones, and the odd on-air fill in on ABC774 Melbourne for Jon Fontaine. For the next 5 weeks, Tony Wilson will be filling in for the 3RRR show Spoke.

As mentioned previously, the month of April is being celerated as Capril, raising awareness of depression. Wilson decided to call up Martin to chat about the origin behind Capril  (from Martin’s old Triple M radio show Get This), as well as red light camera tickets, mX and Andrew Bolt bagging. Yes, there’s even a bit of television talk. It sounds like that Martin’s obsession with The Sopranos has been fulfilled with the FX TV series Sons Of Anarchy. Think Sopranos on motorbikes.

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